Archive for May, 2021

Israel Nullifies God’s Promises

May 14, 2021

‘I have chosen Abraham that he may charge his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.’ Genesis 18:19

This verse was part of my Bible reading for today. As Abraham and his people do righteousness and justice, God will be pleased to fulfil His promises to them. As Abraham and his people do oppression and injustice, God will be saddened by not being able to fulfil His promises to them.

These Bible words come in the context of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. A stark warning for those who see the connection. See also Isaiah 1:10-17 where the rulers of Judah are addressed as the rulers of Sodom.

A well-known part of Jewish righteousness and justice is The Law of Equivalent Retribution, expressed pithily as ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ For Jews, and through them for all people, retribution has to inflict damage exactly the same as the damage inflicted by the original offence. A robust response, but no escalation.

Israel, currently, has abandoned The Law of Equivalent Retribution. Israel is intent on escalation of violence. I have written about this before: Israel and Gaza – Outlaws: 2 August | Rogerharper’s Blog (

When Arab residents of Jerusalem protest against Israeli barriers to their night-time Ramadan congregating at the Damascus Gate, the Israeli authorities try to disperse them by force. Escalation. Eventually the Israelis agree to remove the barriers. In so doing they admit that the barriers were unjust. But the injury they caused in their escalation means that the conflict continues.

When Arab residents of Jerusalem protest against Israeli evictions of Arab families, and against a planned march through Arab Jerusalem by Israelis intent on evicting them all, the Israeli authorities try to disperse them by force, including rubber bullets fired at faces which blind a few for life. Escalation. Though the march was eventually banned, showing the justice of the Arab protest, the injury caused by Israeli escalation means that the conflict continues and grows. See The Storm Which Netanyahu Unleashed | Tikkun A Jewish Israeli writing for a Jewish American organisation.

When the blinding response of force takes place on ground highly sacred to Moslems, it is felt as an attack on Islam and Islam needs to be defended. Islam knows no Law of Equivalent Retribution. The Koran teaches that retaliation is good and Moslems are to fight until oppression against them is no more. No specified limits to retribution and no end to the fight short of deliverance. (See eg Surah 2:179, 2:191-194)

Israeli escalation is causing Arab protest more widespread than previously. As Robert Cohen points out (yes he too is Jewish), Arab citizens of Israel have joined in the protest as not before. Just as we need it most, the UK cracks down on BDS | Robert A. H. Cohen (  As Arabs in Occupied Jerusalem are evicted and Jewish Israelis call and plan for more evictions, Arab Israelis envisage that they will be next. Moslem holy ground was desecrated by Israeli Jews so Jewish holy ground, synagogues, have been desecrated by Israeli Moslem Arabs. The previous strained but workable relations between Israeli Jews and Arabs may never return.

(My Jewish cousin in Jerusalem likes to go to Arab shops on the Sabbath for fresh bread and the best houmus and tahini. When I joined him a couple of years ago, I enjoyed fresh mulberries too. Now?)

How more widespread will the Arab protest become? At the moment Israel has to contend with rockets from Gaza. How long before rockets come from other surrounding nations? Does the Israeli Iron Dome anti-rocket defence system have an inexhaustible supply?

Some Jewish Israelis are committed to fight for their ground and, if necessary, die. They honour the Jewish resistors to the Romans who died at Massada. Many Jewish Israelis are prepared to leave their resident country if necessary, as Jewish people have done for centuries. Israeli cousins of mine have dual nationality with Germany and France. The top choice now for emigrating Jewish Israelis is Berlin.

Israeli escalation causes Arab Moslem retaliation. Israelis know this cause and effect very well for they have experienced it for years. The Israeli authorities continue to escalate and threaten escalation. They seem to be following the teaching of the Koran more than of the Torah. Very sad. They are annulling God’s promises to the descendants of Abraham. With a heavy heart, God will remove blessing from Israel. God has said this clearly in the Torah and He cannot change what He has said.

Roger Harper